Pont Alexander bridge in Paris with a view of the Eiffel Tower in Paris against the backdrop of a majestic sunset

Winter in Paris: How to get through the cold weather

Since it’s my third winter in Paris, I now feel equipped to advise both visitors as well as new implants in Paris on how to prepare for winter in the…
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Canal Saint Martin

Parisian hidden gems only locals know about 

If you are interested in getting to know Paris like a Parisians, exploring these hidden gems will help you see Paris in a whole new light.
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French Food Rituals: Eating like The French

Join me as I talk about some of my adventures in adjusting to my French husband’s food rituals.
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The 1000 Silhouettes of Les Secrets de l’Opéra

‘Les Secrets de l'Opéra' is spread over the whole of Opéra metro station and consists of tiny silhouettes depicting scenes from within the Opéra Garnier.
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Paris Secrets: Salvador Dali’s Sundial

Dali took the inspiration for this sundial from scallops! I mean, are we surprised? As you can see in the attached image, it is indeed scallop-y with bright blue eyes…
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